Saturday, November 2, 2024

Careful in before to avoid shame later, really!


Care should be taken beforehand to avoid Shame later. There are some things from which it is impossible to hide myself and no one can. Like family, relatives, society, closest friends. These entities are a part of life.

But life is not a different entity - to be precisely, life is based on the entity of these small existences.

Now it is said that these involved entities are the direction of the pathway. All these indication should always be talking and walked carefully, behavior should be refined.

That is, no action or behavior can be done based on anger or annoyance. As if you have to feel ashamed if you want to mix or move right away.

Entities that are not subject to any purchase or sale. These are the secrets of creation - the reward of creation. Therefore, the entities part or particular part should be treated with caution in before.

As if to be careful in before to avoid shame later.


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