Don't give up, please! - there is no person in the world who has
not had frustration, in his life. Winning and losing is an inevitable part of
life. There is no joy or feeling of success without frustration, Life is one
and only - so don't give up. By losing you are told that you deserve to win.
Failure is an opportunity to correct your shortcomings or mistakes.
Another name for frustration is opportunity.
Under no circumstances can you give up. The downside is that you are on the
right track and, progressing as measured, with just a few errors to perfect.
is created to position you as wise, honest, hardworking, selfless, willing,
respectful and others.
Both success and frustration are a permanent part of society or global. If one is
excluded, the other has no existence or importance.
You will win - if only you can accept frustration, @ Over Sure.
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